Sunday, January 2, 2011

A dilemma of content...

Lately I have been having trouble deciding what to put in this blog.  Hence no blog to speak of...

The problem lies in what I think is interesting enough to read.  The blog is supposed to be about how Quidditch is affecting my life and you would think that would be a broad enough brush to paint with but it's harder than I expected.  As quick as everything came together everything is still in it's infancy and I feel like a tired sleep deprived mother trying to adjust to this new addition in her life.  Has it been worth it?  It definitely has been but this whirlwind we created has knocked me on my ass. 

Right now there is little in the way of actual Quidditch going on right now.  Most teams are on winter breaks from their respective schools.  The Badassilisks (though they didn't want to) even have to recognize the holidays as a difficult time to get together so we have been on another break (that will end this week I promise).   I should have used the holidays as a time to take care of some of the administrative stuff that I needed to handle for the team but I didn't.  For some reason, I crashed and didn't want to handle anything Quidditch related.  My only explanation is that mentally and emotionally I tried to keep up the dizzying portkey pace that this team was put together under and it got the best of me.   Even now after the crash I want to rush right back into things.  Part excitement to get back out onto the pitch, and part anxiety of the things we need to get done.  I realize that this we're no longer under a time crunch but it's hard to relax. 

Ok Jared...Breathe.